cyLEDGE drives Executive Education

Our quest for understanding the mechanisms that drive customers in the digital age is not only poured into our project work – with the papers and the book that we publish (coming soon: the Configurator Database Report 2014) and with the teaching and community activities that we are involved in we also share our findings to interested professionals.

One of the latter is the “Praxis-Lehrgang Social Media Manager” – an executive education course with scientific teaching fundament that will soon start in Vienna in its fourth edition. Paul Blazek initiated this course together with Dominik Walcher (professor for marketing and innovation management at the Salzburg University of Applied Science) and will start the teaching blocks on May 13th. He explains how customer behavior is changed by the growing expression of individuality and interest in participation and how companies need to adapt its communication instruments to this.

Clarissa Streichsbier and Martina Partl will analyse a week later which KPIs and strategic approaches help companies to survive in the changing digital environment – bringing in knowledge from our extensive project work and our research.

We are happy that an impressive line of Austria’s best speakers join us in this course – if you are interested in getting cutting-edge knowledge on the digital social sphere and speak the course language German you should grap one of the last seats. More information can be found on the website of Business Cirlce.