cyLEDGE research at the MCP-CE 2014

In September this year you will find us in Novi Sad, Serbia, at the 6th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in Central Europe (MCP-CE 2014). This year is the 10th anniversary - started in 2004 the biannual event grows continuosly and brings researchers and company experts together.

We contributed to the MCP-CE 2012 already (see our posting from 2012).

MCPCE 2012
Paul Blazek presenting at the MCP-CE 2012

In 2014 we enhance our engagement. Our CEO Paul Blazek was nominated as member of the Business and Scientific Committees - and we are going to present our new research on how characteristics of customization interaction tools influence customer behaviour. The submitted and accepted paper has the title “The Impact of the Product Configurator User Interface on Customer Purchase Decisions“.

We recommend this upcoming conference highlight for everybody that’s interested to understand how customer needs are changing the product and service worlds of companies. Register and join us in September in Novi Sad: